About This Project
This project examines the position of noblewomen in the Heian period and their role in aristocratic households, and its gradual shift from a matriarchal to a patriarchal system within aristocratic households. This research attempts to examine the noblewomen community through the study of Uxorilocal Marriages (shoseikon 招婿婚) and Virilocal Marriages (yometorikon 嫁取り婚). Moreover, the project will look outside marriage structures, and examine the positioning of women in society through portrayals of women in literature. Furthermore, the role of noblewomen will be examined through the comparison of everyday life between male and female elites. In our research, we will limit our focus to the aristocratic noble class, as the role of women varies drastically between classes.
”Tale of Genji" Toyokuni III / Kunisada (1786-1864) Original Early 1860s.